My Services
Trauma · Codependency · Relationship Issues · Grief · Life Transitions · Spirituality · Identity · Compassion Fatigue · LGBTQ
adults ❊ groups
Expressive Arts Therapy
Expressive Arts Therapy is inclusive of all modalities of art in a therapeutic context for deepening connection, healing, self-awareness, and growth. Modalities of art include visual art (drawing, painting, collage, clay and sculpture, etc.), music and sound, dance/movement, drama, poetry, and many more. The arts offer a new lens with which to view one’s life, relationships, challenges and triumphs and can bring forth insight and meaning that may not come as easily from traditional talk therapy. Expressive Arts Therapy can provide helpful tools to aid in increased understanding, adaptive communication, as well as enhance coping and self-care.
Career Coaching
Sue has been trained in career coaching through her graduate studies and Greenwood Associates Educational Firm. Sue has offered this service for several years with a high success rate of clients gaining clarity into their career paths. This program is strictly coaching and is not intended to be psychotherapy. This is not your normal career coaching, this is 6-8 week comprehensive process. This research supported, evidence-based practice will help you find a career that is right for you. Having a career direction helps with countless decisions from coursework, to college programs, to continuing education. Narrowing your career focus will help you secure the appropriate education, find internships that will improve your occupational outlook, and put you on a path towards vocational fulfillment.
Accelerated Resolution Therapy
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a form of psychotherapy with roots in existing evidence-based therapies but shown to achieve benefits much more rapidly (usually within 1-5 sessions). Clients with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance abuse, sexual abuse and many other mental and physical conditions can experience remarkable benefits starting in the first session. ART works directly to reprogram the way in which distressing memories and images are stored in the brain so that they no longer trigger strong physical and emotional reactions.
Clinical Consulting
Sue provides consultation to improve treatment center operations. She provides agency-wide leadership in mental health and addiction, including tailoring training content to ensure all staff develops competencies specific to their role. Sue responds to and provides guidance for clinical issues that arise for clinical staff, reviews client records, assessments, and treatment decisions, as well as audits charts weekly to meet monthly document scorecard benchmarks. She develops, reviews, and revises clinical and program policies and protocols as needed and establishes, monitors, and reviews clinical outcomes, and uses them to drive the improvement of services and programs. She works closely with UR staff and therapists to ensure chart documentation substantiates needs for Level of Care (LOC). Sue also provides consultation for clinicians utilizing expressive arts therapies.